P r o j e c t s

A b o u t


Driving Innovation in AI and Software Development
Passionate about building cutting-edge solutions and leading the next wave of technology advancements.


Headstarter AI
Currently, a Software Engineering Fellow at Headstarter AI, focusing on Generative AI and innovative tech solutions.


As a Co-Founder at CodeXCrafters, I'm dedicated to pioneering innovative software solutions and building a dynamic tech community.

M i l e s t o n e s


Jul '24

Headstarter AI Fellow
Joined as a Software Engineering Fellow focusing on Generative AI and innovative technology solutions.


Apr '24

Co-Founder @ CodeXCrafters
Co-founded CodeXCrafters to drive impactful software development and foster a tech community.


Nov '22

Founder @ NewbieCoders
Launched NewbieCoders, a tech community that has grown to 1800 members, fostering learning and collaboration in tech.